Happy May Day...

...And oh my gosh. This has been the beautiful May Day bank holiday ever.
Reportedly the hottest May bank holiday in 40 years! Honestly I have felt really lucky this weekend. From spending Saturday morning lazing on the sandy beach at Bournemouth, to chilling in my cousins lazy spa!
Like most days off we have been busy bees.
We got to the beach early enough on Saturday morning that there was hardly any one around. This for certain didn’t last long. The beach was packed within a few hours, with many families and groups chilling in the sun. After a few hours in Bournemouth and a pretty amazing trip to Bournemouth oceanarium I got to leave feeling really happy and pretty content. I’m pretty certain Ocean-arium-y places are like the zoo to me, still my favourite thing.
When I was a child I wanted to be a marine-bioligist. I was dead set on that one for years… I’m not sure what happened with that one? I’ve grown up with the passion for animals and marine life, but my crazy life has led me in many career destinations.
On another crazy side thought, if I could be any creature in a new life, I think it would have to be a sea turtle. In my head, I’d want to be one of the ones from finding Nemo because DUDEEEEE they are cool!…
Anyway, this weekend has brought me so much happiness. The value of being with loved ones and new experiences with the special one in my life, I am so proud of how much I have grown and how far we have all come in the past few months.
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