The Intergalactic...
Ok admittedly I am a little bit delayed on this one, its been a busy but I really wanted to give my thoughts on this lovely little bath bomb I used this weekend. Lately I have grown a massive love for the bath bomb. I never used to be a big fan of baths, much preferred a quick, easy and refreshing shower. Maybe its an age thing, but recently the idea of a nice soak in a bubble filled tub makes me smile! Don’t get me wrong though, the bath has to be perfect. Im talking nice smells, bubbles, maybe the odd candle every now and then.
Just over a month ago I purchased a bath board! I knew bath times were getting serious when this entered the bathroom. Complete with Wine glass holder! I was quite pleased with my pound shop find! (thats right, I admit it came from the pound shop, was a bit more then £1)
Anyway going back to my new found love of bath bombs… We actually have a small drawer in our bathroom now full of bath bombs and salts, enough to make every one a bit different (Im pretty certain I’m turning in to a compulsive buyer, but again thats another story)
This week I decided to take a trip to my favourite shop with my dad, an hilarious experience with some one who has never been in Lush. His exact words was “There was so many scents in there I didn’t know where to look first”
I originally had it planned out! Im dying to try Lush’s Golden Egg bath bomb, So I steered my dad around the shop looking for it. Somehow I managed to get side track on my quest for the golden egg once more, I found this little beauty. ‘The Intergalactic’ Bright blue and pink colours, with shimmery glitter. PERFECT. This one cost me £4.50 and it was worth every penny.
I originally had it planned out! Im dying to try Lush’s Golden Egg bath bomb, So I steered my dad around the shop looking for it. Somehow I managed to get side track on my quest for the golden egg once more, I found this little beauty. ‘The Intergalactic’ Bright blue and pink colours, with shimmery glitter. PERFECT. This one cost me £4.50 and it was worth every penny.

I couldn’t wait to try this. I filled the bath up and I was not let down… In the bomb went and bright blue exploded in to the water, a few more seconds and I could see the pink emerging.

I literally rate this as one of the best bath bombs I’ve used so far. The water turned a beautiful royal blue colour, and you could see the shimmering glitter float around, in a calming way. The smell of this also is lovely, theres a strong peppermint smell, but I find that its quite a calming smell to have.
There is one down fall on buying glittery bath bombs, The glitter in this one seems to stick to the bath really well, so took a proper wipe to get off again, but I wouldn’t let this put me off using The Intergalactic again.
There is one down fall on buying glittery bath bombs, The glitter in this one seems to stick to the bath really well, so took a proper wipe to get off again, but I wouldn’t let this put me off using The Intergalactic again.
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