Out with the old!

in with the new! Ive been feeling the urge for new beginnings lately, maybe Im feeling slightly more inspired then I have been in a long slump of depression and non motivation lately and I finally seem to be coming back out of the hermit hole! 

 (I found this image on google - It is not mine)

 with a new job and new hobbies and dreams in the making, I am feeling in love with the opportunities life has been throwing me. great <3 Im really starting to plan what I want out of life, and take chances I wouldn't of thought of taking a while ago!
Im absolutely loving selling younique! I'm making new friends and earning pennies as well!
Ive been really really brave today and took a leap to make another step forward in life (but Im not saying what it is cause I don't want to jinx it)  <3 All I can say is bring on the 23rd May ;) And watch this space for hopefully an awesome announcement.


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