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The reasons I love Autumn...

With the end of October looming upon us, you have to admit that this year we have been so lucky to have such beautiful weather. I mean It’s hardly rained at all!, the sun continues to beam even now! which doesn’t feel the normal thing to be saying in October. I mean, I’m not wishing rainy crap British weather on us, but Im appreciating the fact we haven’t had it, Thats OK right? Autumn is a such a lovely time of the year, and it always seems like it doesn’t last very long before the winter period hits. So I thought it would make sense to take a moment to talk about why I love Autumn so bloody much! So here is my list of what I love about it, and why I think this is the best season! The Leaves changed colour… There is nothing more beautiful then going on a woodland walk in Autumn. This weekend was a perfect chance to get outside and go out see nature at its best! Plus Autumn trees and wildlife is when I have taken some of my best photos! Theres something really mood changi...

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