This year is flying by!

So I haven’t posted in a while so I thought now would be a perfect time to post a blog update on life!
I literally mean it when I say this year is literally flying by! We’re in June! How did that even happen so fast? This week will be the first official week of summer as well. We’ve already had some lovely weather this year as well! So fingers crossed the weather’s just going to get better because I’ve still got so much on my 2018 goal list (especially for sunny days).
I’ve been super busy with work and days out this month so far. Me and my girl have had an amazing trip to Bristol at the beginning of this month. We took a visit to Bristol zoo. It was so lovely and I would definitely recommend the zoo to anyone that’s taking a n adventure to Bristol. The only thing that I would critise is the parking. It’s not like we got to Bristol zoo late. But we nearly didn’t make it at all to the zoo. It it wasn’t for our persistence on wanting to get in. We must of drove round in circles for nearly an hour before finding a space up a road with lots of houses. We were lucky. I gotta admit as well the zoo itself is so surprising. When we were planning our trip we never realized how much of a built up area the zoo was in. Completely in Bristol town, but the location is astonishing. When you walk in, your transformed into a surreal bubble of beautiful gardens and animal kingdoms!
Bristol town was amazing too. So many things to see and we really enjoyed our trip to Cabot Circus.
(The balloons that were hanging in city centre were pretty cool)
So that’s the main thing that’s happened this month. But not the only. Family weddings, get togethers and like Ive already said work work and more work. Plus life doesn’t come without its dramas. I mean it wouldn’t be my life if I didn’t feel that I was in the cast of a shooting eastenders episode everynow and then.
One thing that is for sure is if I have learnt anything so far this year. It’s appreciation. I think sometimes in life taking a minute to stop and realise the things you have, is the best feeling you can possibly experience. I am so thankful fory loving family, friends and perfect girlfriend for the changes that have happened.
Update over 😘


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